Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lincoln James Kennaley

Me the day Lincoln was born

Our sweet baby Lincoln

Lily being a proud big sister

I am a little late on posting this but better late then never, right? Well Mr. Lincoln James arrived on August 17th at 8:55pm. He was 5lbs 14oz and 19 inches long, he was so tiny I couldn't believe Lily was ever that size, but he was so perfect! Here is the story of his arrival.....

Let's see, well for starters my mom arrived here on the 16th which was my due date so she got to be here for the action, which was awesome! So that wednesday the 17th my mom Lily and I all went bumming around for the day and when we got home around 4 pm, I decided to start pumping since I had been told by a couple people that pumping could help start contractions and BOY DID IT WORK! I started pumping around 4:30 pm and about 10 mins into it I was starting to have good contractions but they weren't regular so I decided to go a little longer and another 20 mins of doing that the contractions were very strong on painful, they were lasting about a min and they were every 2-4 mins apart. So I stopped the pumping and my mom and I just continued to time the contractions, and they were getting closer and longer and very painful I couldn't even talk through them. Thank goodness Nate had just gotten home a little after 5 so he got himself showered and dinner while I continued to wait around until we decided it was time to go to the hospital. We hung out at home, for 2 hours and at 7 pm I couldn't handle the pain anymore so we headed to the hospital. I never thought I would be one of those women saying "watch the bumps in the road!" while driving there, but I just calmly told Nate to be as smooth as he could, every bump started a contraction, so I really had no break from them. No fun haha.. We get to the hospital and I could barely walk through the parking lot we had to stop a couple of times for the contractions to ease, and then we got me a wheel chair and started the long walk to the labor and delivery dept. We got to the dept, and the nurse at the front desk asked me how far apart my contractions were and since I couldn't talk from being in so much pain, nate told her they were every minute or even less. So she said OK and told us to wait in the waiting room, YEP I got put in the waiting room with people who were sitting in there laughing and having a good ol' time while I was in a lot of pain, so I had nate put me in the hall.. About 5 mins later a nurse came and took me to a triage room, they said they had to monitor me for 20 mins before a dr would come in and check me, she stated they had to make sure I was in active labor. I clearly was in active labor, but whatever lol! I layed there on the bed having one contraction after the other and then my water started to leak with every contraction. About 25 mins later a dr came in and checked me and said I was dialated to a 5 and 100% effaced. So I then asked the dr very nicely "when can I get an epidural?" and he said they would have to get me to my room, get me an IV and then draw my blood to check my platelets and then I could get the epidural, he said it would be about an hour before I would get it! So I started to quietly cry to myself, it was pathetic haha. So they then had me change and a nurse walked me, yes she made me walk to my room, I had about 2 or 3 contractions just walking to the room, might I add the hall was never ending it was horrible! I got to the room finally, and I sat on the edge of the bed, I couldn't really move since I was constantly contracting so I was stiff and couldn't really move, and the nurse that was going to give me my IV told me to lay back so she could start the IV, and I just softly said "one sec" because I was having a bad contraction, and she said " well ok, but this is on your time, so you need to lay back or else I can't give you the IV!" Ugh, I was so mad at her, all I said was one sec so I could let that contraction pass, but no she had to get all mean :( I laid back and she slowly started my IV, she missed the first time and so she was attempting another try and she just kept saying " you are so sweaty". Well Ya I was sweating! Not only because I was trying to breathe through contractions but it was also like 90 degrees in that room it was nauseating how hot it was in there! Anyway, she got the IV in, and in the time she was doing that I was actually gently pushing because it was the only way I could get a little bit of relief from the pain, and as the nurse was finishing up I started telling them I felt like I had to go to the bathroom because I felt a lot of pressure in my bum, and the nurse was like "DONT PUSH" and so I would try not to but holy crap when you gotta push you gotta push! So I said "help me" to one of the nurses and she came and checked me and they started scrambling and calling for the dr and telling them I was ready to deliver, so the dr ran in and got dressed quickly they then said I could finally push, so I pushed and within that second the head was out and then I gave it one more push and here came the rest of him! It was all so fast! I was never able to get the epidural like I wanted, so I am now happy to say I delivered naturally and not medicated, at all! I honestly wouldn't have wanted it any other way since it all happened within just 4 hours! So I started at 5 and he was born at 8:55! It was truly a different experience then the one I had with Lily :)

Nate went and picked up my mom and Lily so they could see the baby and the first thing lily said about the baby was " I like him!" she still can't get enough of him, she is constantly kissing and hugging him! I am so in love with this little guy it is unbelievable, and Nate is definitely a proud daddy to his new boy :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

New Happenings :)

Well on March 28th we had our 20 week ultrasound and we saw something we didnt think we would and that was a little wee wee! We are very excited to be adding a little boy to the family. The only hard part now is trying to figure out a name for the little guy! If anyone has any good ideas on names, we would love to hear them :)

Also my mom has been here visiting since the 24th and it has been sooo great! I dont know what I am going to do when she leaves in a couple of days, its going to be a very sad day :( I miss family more then words can say! But another year and a half and I will be back in Utah with family just minus my husband, which is even more depressing, but I won't get into that until later next year lol :)

We just got home from vacation to Disney World on a couple of days ago! And that was a very fun trip! Lily LOVED all the characters, rides and the atmosphere itself, as did us adults :) Well that is about it on what is happening now! So I guess I will catch you all up later on anything new when it happens :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hey there :)

Well I thought I would just pop in and share the little things that are going on here! Lets see, Lily has a new best friend here in TN named Bethy. We met them at church a couple months ago but it is fairly recent that we began hanging out with Bethy and her mom Beth. Isn't funny we made friends here with the same name as me? I know the name Beth isnt uncommon or anything, but I dont know any other beth's :) Oh and they are from Utah so it is also nice to have someone to hang with that we have so much in common with!
Alright what else....Nate will be trying to qualify for Air Assault school this week and if he does qualify he has a 10 day rigorous course to go through. And if you dont know what Air assault school is then join the club ha ha, all I know is nate will have to learn how to rappel down a rope out of a helicopter. And that is about all I know ha ha pretty sad right? Oh well! Also if he is able to do this course it helps with promotion points, so lets hope it happens :)
Also, we are trying to plan a trip to Disney World since we are not too far from it. I am hoping and praying it happens, because mama needs a little vacation away from this town! So if the next blog is about Disney World, you know my wish came true :)
One more thing before I go, we find out the sex of the baby on the 25th of March and we can not wait to see what this little munchkin is! Oh and my dear sweet mother is coming to visit the same time we find out the sex of the baby, and I am BEYOND excited to see her! So ready to see some family! :)
We Love and Miss everyone back at home!!