Monday, August 18, 2008

So two weeks ago we went to scofield for appreciation day, which is where we play three different games which were horse shoes, darts, and pool. So Nate me and my mom were all doing pretty good. Nate was moving his way up and up in the darts and my mom was doing really good with the darts as well but also the horse shoes. And I was doing really good in pool only by luck though :) I ended up playing the last guy who then kicked my butt so I was out of all the games, as my mom and nate were doing well in the other games. They unfortunately did not get to finish to see if they could win because we had to head home before dark. Who knows maybe they would have won!!! Oh and as for Lily.. she was busy being the talk of the day and being passed around, everyone wanted a chance to hold her! Gotta love her being soo dang cute!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Here are a few pictures of Lily throughout the las t couple of weeks. I know some of you have been wanting to see some new photos so here ya go :)

Well the last few days Lily has had her first cold. She has been very fussy more then I have ever seen her. So we got her into the dr. on saturday and it turns out she has an ear infection so she got prescribed an antibiotic and has been on it for only two days and has already shown an improvement. Although at night time that seems to be the roughest time of the day for her. But she still wakes up and gives us the biggest grins and is a happy happy baby!!